
50th entry!

Apparently, Bill Gates is going to start a blog — interesting, but I’m not really sure what to expect here. Great musings about how Microsoft will take over the world? Details on how he got a pie thrown in his face? This seems to me like a PR move for Microsoft — increase visibility of their chief architect to ramp up the already obvious visibility of the Microsoft name. This could also be a move to compensate for bad press. What better way to refute things than to blog about it as the chief software architect for one of the biggest software firms in the world?

I’ll wager anything he doesn’t talk (positively) about Linux. Oh, well — as long as it’s not called “BillBlog” or some stupid thing like that.

On an unrelated note, if anyone’s interested in setting up SETI@Home under Linux that hasn’t done so already, there’s an excellent tutorial on how to do it that provides both a binary and a cron file. It works, though it doesn’t use the latest SETI@Home version because later versions slow down work unit processing speed.

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