Furniture, Pillows, Chairs, and CSI

Well, this is absolutely not what I started out to do within the last 15 minutes or so, but here you go.

I’ve been looking around at furniture most of the day and have decided that most of my apartment room furniture will come from Target. Wait, now, before you get all annoyed at me for thinking cheap and on a budget, I’m talking a desk plus hutch plus printer stand only, which comes out to somewhere around $250. The stuff does look pretty good. I’m looking mostly at their Mission Collection Computer Desk ($100), File Cart ($50), and Hutch ($60), plus a QBits Maple Combi Cube ($50). This seems like a good start (all of these are listed on my wish list).

Amanda and I were mostly wandering around waiting for my mother to finish donig what she was doing, so we wandered over to Cost Plus World Market after looking at Target. I’m in love with papasan chairs. Seriously. I’m thinking about buying a frame from Cost Plus ($50 or so, wondering if I can get it cheaper) and a cushion from Pier 1 Imports (the Loden papasan chair cushion is the one I like best from there – item number 01973195). Seems like it would make a really nice living room chair.

After visiting Cost Plus, we went over to Linens and Things (all in walking distance, which was nice). I got Amanda a blue Moshi pillow. These things are cool — it’s a therapeutic pillow with little microbeads which is absurdly comfortable. She only got a square pillow, but apparently they sell Moshi neckrests too. I might want one of those for myself as well, since I do have problems with neck support when I’m sleeping. We’ll see on that one. I did, however, pick up a metal mesh colander and a spoon rest for the kitchen next year. Drove home after getting a nice raspberry mocha at Barnes and Noble, then watched the remainder of CSI Season 3. A good night, all in all.

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