J’lly Y’ar End Rawndawp

Hello, and welcome to the j’lly y’ar end rawndawp. I’m your host.

So, I suppose the biggest news of the last few days is my score at Ms. Pac-Man. Yes, I’m aware of the pitiful nature of this, but I managed to set a high score (after something like 10 tries) on a Ms. Pac-Man arcade machine at Little Caesar’s in south Bellingham (across from Fred Meyer). The previous high score was about 31,000, and I trumped it with a high score of 41,240. Yay.

Yes, it is pitiful that that’s all that’s really interesting in my life thus far.

I keep doing further research on M.F.A. programs in Creative Writing, though I have yet to really start doing this research seriously. I’m 85% sure that this is what I’d like to do after college, but I’ve got a little time left to make that decision before I have to go full-bore into an admissions process. My planning is sort of vague at the moment, but I do know that I’m remaining at Evergreen until the end of Spring 2006. By then, I’ll definitely be graduating. I’ll apply for (but may not get) the Assistant to the Director position that the Writing Center hires for yearly. We’ll see, but that’s where I’m headed.

If I don’t get that, then there may be a slight comic interlude between graduating college and going on to grad school. For that, I may be targeting schools not on the West Coast, but I don’t think I’ve even made that determination yet — I’m casting a wide net.

Amanda and me are both looking forward to going back to Olympia for Winter Quarter. Amanda’s in The Science of Fat with two faculty that I’ve had that are both top-notch: Sharon Anthony, from my first year program Trash, and Brian Walter, from last year’s program Data to Information. She should get a lot out of both faculty. I’m enrolled in The Novel: Life and Form with Thad Curtz, whom I’ve heard many positive things about. I’m not sure about the idea of reading 170 pages a day, but I’m sure I’ll cope.

Well, happy 2005, and I’ll see you then (maybe before, if I decide to keep typing)!

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