Energy Usage for March and April 2005
Below are my energy usage graphs for March and April, 2005 as according to Puget Sound Energy.

Below are my energy usage graphs for March and April, 2005 as according to Puget Sound Energy.
We had the chance to travel up to Port Townsend a week ago and visit a school friend of ours. The lure was that he was starring in a series of one-act plays put on as part of a local festival, and since neither Amanda nor I had ever seen him act, we decided that this was as good a chance as any. We called Enterprise Rent-A-Car and set up a reservation with them, then called our local office and asked them to pick us up at 7:45 Friday morning.
Then we called to confirm the day before, and the person who answered told us that they couldn’t pick us up at 7:45 Friday morning, but 8:00 was doable. Okay.
Amanda and I were up early, getting ready, when, at 7:40, we hear a knock on the door. You guessed it, they used the original time we had specified before whoever told us that it had to be 8AM stuck their nose into the whole situation. We had been anticipating an 8AM pickup, so our poor Enterprise representative had to wait outside while we finished getting ready — probably an additional 10 minutes.
Anyway, when we were ready, we stuck our head out the door, shook hands with the guy, and he showed us down to our truck.
Wait — our truck? The reservation was for a compact, but apparently Enterprise regards some trucks as compacts. This particular one was an orange Chevrolet Colorado four-door cab. Not really what I expected, but okay. I suspect that it was only a half-bed rather than a full-bed truck, which is probably what qualified it as a compact.
We made good time back to the local Enterprise office, where our representative asked us whether we wanted another car. I decided that a truck would be okay (I may never want to own one, but driving one should be interesting, right?), so we signed the paperwork and off we went. Since the truck only had an eighth of a tank of gas left, we ran to Safeway and refueled. I had forgotten that the price of gas keeps going upwards recently, so the refuel was a bit of sticker shock, but that’s okay. Plenty of gas and a good car is a good combination. We picked up our stuff at the apartment, then went off to the College for our staff meeting at 9AM.
When we left campus, we took Highway 101 north towards Port Angeles, then cut across Highway 20 to get to Port Townsend. We got there without much fanfare (though we got slightly lost in Port Townsend itself due to somewhat vague directions). We wandered around Port Townsend for a while, then went to dinner at a pizza place in town. Afterwards, we went to see the friend of ours in the plays — very good, and all quite entertaining.
Saturday, we wandered around downtown Port Townsend and peeked into a lot of little shops, then had lunch at The Public House — very good food. As a group, the three of us had the lamb burger, fish and chips, and pacific burger. We then went back to where we were staying until dinner, when our friend had to go to his Saturday night performance. That left Amanda and I once again wandering downtown looking for a place to eat. For lack of someplace cheap and/or not crowded, we ended up going back to The Public House, which had a fairly good live musician playing. Good dinner, too — Amanda and I had two plates of the chicken penne without tomatoes. Very rich cream sauce, though the portion size was a little on the low side for me. Still good.
We went back and watched Airplane! on DVD until I had to go running out the door to pick up the friend of ours at the theater, since I had offered earlier in the day. Bringing him home, Amanda and I went to bed.
We left at about 10AM the next morning. This was fairly uneventful, though the fact that I had to keep pulling over to let people pass and that I once had to speed up in order to avoid being rear ended, both times on 101, seems to me indicative of the modern driving habit. I routinely go the speed limit, but I still felt pressured to pull over on at least four different occasions.
Anyway, we got back into town and stopped by the Blue Heron Bakery to see if they had anything that Amanda could use her gift certificate on. They didn’t, but at least we now know what selection they have. Returning the truck, we had driven about 210 miles round trip — not bad, considering that the first 501 miles of the trip were free of surcharges.
Business and Society – PRGM BUSSO 01
Associated Term: Fall 2005
CRN: 10141
Status: **Web Registered** on May 17, 2005
Assigned Instructor: Cynthia C. Kennedy
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit
Credits: 16.000
Level: Undergraduate
Campus: Olympia
Possibly temporary registration, possibly permanent. We’ll see.
Useless information of the day: I try to count the number of Toyota Priuses I see when I’m out and about. So far, the maximum number of Priuses I’ve seen in any one day is 12, and that was while in the Seattle/Eastside region several weeks ago. I didn’t blog it, though — whoops.
I went back home on Friday and saw 11 while in Seattle and on the Eastside. On Saturday, I saw another 8 while in the Lynwood/Alderwood Mall area (between there and home, of course), and on Sunday, I saw another 8 in the Olympia area. Yesterday, I saw 5.
It’s really quite heartening to me to see the number of Prius owners going up. I have to admit, though, that I have no idea how many of these sightings may have been repeat sightings of the same vehicle — that’s more likely in Olympia than anywhere else, since this is a smaller community.
Tidbit of the day. Enjoy.
I’ve decided that I’m going to enroll in Business and Society: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is while my application for Student Originated Software: Designing and Implementing Real-World Systems (SOS) is processed. That way, if I decided not to take SOS, I’m enrolled for something that actually works for me.
I submitted my application for SOS to the program faculty — it’ll take a week or two to hear about whether it’s accepted or not.
My registration time ticket is tomorrow (May 17) at noon. I’ll post the results.
I’ve brought the layout of this blog into line with the rest of my personal site. Hopefully, it’s a little more visually appealing.
My work on this is still in progress, though, since the WordPress theme that defines this layout isn’t complete. I’ll finish it over the next little while, probably (though I might just let it sit for a bit before then).
For anyone interested in transitioning from Movable Type to WordPress, this article from Burningbird covers it fairly well. There are also a few useful links here.
On April 16, I had the opportunity to attend the Pacific Northwest Writing Centers Association Conference as part of the delegation from Evergreen. I thought I’d post my notes and thoughts here, though they probably won’t mean much to very many people.
Getting There: The conference was at the University of Washington – Bothell campus, which put me about 20 minutes from home and in an area that I’m quite familiar with. The trip up was uneventful, though we left at 6:30 in the morning and ended up hydroplaning half the way there due to heavy rains.
Keynote: After the Center, Then What? Writing Centers and the New Work Order
The keynote speaker for the conference was Nancy Grimm from Michigan Technological University. In it, she discussed how writing centers prepare peer tutors for their future placement in the workforce, and talked a lot about how the modern workspace mirrors the work done in writing centers nationwide. She discussed the old order versus the new order, in reference to two different approaches to management and the distribution of knowledge. The old order was when knowledge was centered amongst a particular group of people high up in the management hierarchy. The new order, on the other hand, is modern times, when knowledge has been distributed amongst employees, and when the addition or loss of an employee can drastically affect the knowledge base that a company has. Writing centers help tutors develop the capacity for ethical thinking, as well as developing an awareness surrounding their relationships to other people. She also discusses how writing center allows the development of knowledge management skills crucial within the new order, which involves literacy and the language used within writing center work: accessing information and crossing boundaries, for instance. She closed by giving a list of five things that any writing center director should do in order to maximize ethical thinking in the workplace:
None of these five points are exact quotes, but what I understood them to be. This was an excellent start for the conference, as it injected everyone with a lot of energy.
Concurrent Session A: The Ripple Effect
The first session I attended was a facilitated discussion about how to create a welcoming atmosphere for writing centers that allows both the tutor and the client to be comfortable in that environment. This was quite an interesting discussion, as I got to listen to a range of different ways that writing centers have created a welcoming environment for extremely diverse populations. There were five discussion questions, which we skipped between as appropriate. Below are my notes on each question:
Some of this was stuff I hadn’t considered, though the majority of the attendees seemed to work in centers with a much higher percentage of international students attending than Evergreen’s.
Concurrent Session B: Crossing the Line
This was essentially an ethics workshop. It presented a series of exercises used by Highline Community College to discuss and break down barriers around the ethical considerations of being a tutor. This is something that was extremely interesting to watch, since everyone had four choices after watching a short skit demonstrating a particular ethical dilemma:
The range of responses when asked why people picked their positions was very enlightening to me, and I’ve begun to notice when I do some of the things discussed in this workshop. For me personally, this was very interesting, and I may end up taking it to Evergreen’s Center Director and pitching it for inclusion in one of the staff retreats.
Concurrent Session C: Communicating with Faculty: Exploring Conference Summaries
This was a presentation on research done at Seattle University surrounding the use of conference summaries in tutoring. Essentially, the Writing Center there decided that they wanted to be able to provide some sort of feedback to faculty regarding a student’s progress in a session. A form would be completed at the end of each session and, if the student consented, that form would then be sent to the faculty for whichever class that student came in for. Some interesting results here, namely that most people declined to have that information sent to faculty and that it added a considerable burden on tutors to complete and maintain the paperwork after each session. Evergreen does something like this in response forms, but they’re used for internal tutor evaluations only. After the presentation of the research, we had a short discussion session to clarify any questions we had about the research and to give suggestions on how to improve the system.
This gave me a few ideas, on the off chance that Evergreen’s Writing Center decides to do any revamping of their attendance system in the near future.
Concurrent Session D: Conflict and Compromise: The Question of Required Tutoring
This was a presentation by Evergreen’s own Bo Kinney on whether or not centers should require students to attend sessions. This isn’t one that I can easily summarize, as I don’t have any real notes for it, but suffice it to say that it added a few interesting elements to our own internal debate surrounding required tutoring.
After all the sessions, we had a post-Conference wrap-up, which allowed various groups to give their impression of the day. I found the whole thing to be very educational, though I didn’t take the opportunity to network at all, which I kind of regret — that would have been a very useful endeavor. From my understanding, though, other members of Evergreen’s delegation networked quite well, so we’ll see how those connections add in to our work as a Writing Center.
I recently had some problems with checksum mismatches for the dag yum repository. The specific error was as follows: [Errno -1] Metadata file does not match checksum
Trying other mirror.
Error: failure: repodata/primary.xml.gz from dag: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Below is the series of commands I used to resolve the problem, as root:
cd /var/cache/yum/dag
yum clean all
wget --cache=off
wget --cache=off
wget --cache=off
Trent from the FreshRPMs general discussion list suggested the wget
command sequence, and I refined his steps a bit to eliminate the hassle of having to move files around. It works just fine now, and I’ll use this solution anytime there’s a checksum problem with that repository.
My mom has her name in for a package 4 or 5 2005 Toyota Prius, with salsa red, driftwood, or seaside pearl as color options. Driftwood seems to be preferred.
If I were choosing driftwood, Amanda would surely joke (once again) about driving a car the same color as my pants.
I picked up an interesting tidbit while inquiring into Toyota of Olympia’s waitlist times — only 5 percent of the total Prius builds are actually package 5. Package 4 is far more popular. This is interesting, and definitely sways my package choice towards package 4, should I ever be in the market for a 2005 Toyota Prius (or later year, of course).